I haven't written on this blog for a while now. So many things to do, assignments to complete, kids and husband to take care of and yeah, my day job with the military. But on December 16th, at 4AM in the morning, I'm sleepless in Ventura and trying to stay sane so I've found my blog here to write a few notes.
My daughter Kira turned 19 on the 21st of August. I can't believe this is the last of her teenage years. She's done so much since high school graduation. Kira has thrown herself into Asian Studies, and taken on a mostly full time job at "Massage Place." She's feeling happy and self secure in her trade knowledge combined with a knowledge of what more she wants to do in the future. Acupuncture maybe, and other oriental treatments. There's a school in Santa Cruz that she wants to go to, and so she's preparing to move at the end of summer 2013.
To backtrack a little, my husband Jim turned 50 on August 1st, and his was a lovely birthday. I promised him that for a year I'd be a Dallas fan (yeah, right) and I took him to a preseason game between Dallas and the Chargers in San Diego. I'd never seen the man so happy!
Sean turned 15 on the 12th of November (same day as Joey, my nephew). He wanted a quiet celebration with just family and so we went for greek food at The Greek by the Harbor. His girlfriend Hanna came with us and it was a relaxing and wonderful time.
Not long after that, our whole family made the trip to the East Coast to see friends and family. I returned exhausted. Flying across the country is tiring and it was tough on Air Tran (The World's Most Uncomfortable Flight).
I was looking forward to turning 50. Sure, it's just another day. A meaningless milestone we set for ourselves, but it felt good nonetheless. And my family was all around me which made it much better.